Central European School of Poetry / Program I (CZ)


5. 10. Ostrava • 19.00 • kulturní prostor Peterswald Straße
• hosté Petr Hruška a Jakub Novák


6. 10. Praha • 20.00 • klub Za Školou
• hosté Milan Ohnisko a Sklad by Walda


12. 10. Brno • 19.00 • Skleněná louka — Místogalerie
• hosté Roman Krištof a Miloš Kocman


13. 10. Olomouc • 18.30 • čajovna Kratochvíle
• hosté Miky Marusjak a Vilém Ďoubal




Poetry as a worn uniform
Dalibor Maňas Kaňas


The most important thing for a poet is simply to encounter that poetry somewhere. To notice it, to let it in. A poet doesn't have to write. To go around like the devil to author readings and poster "I" all over the region of the language. They could learn, they swallow verse like that booze... They can put on earthiness. They love to wear uniforms - even if it's after a corpse. That would be a treat...

But even poets like Klega and Štiler have to be part of something, to master Facebook, to communicate with their chosen environment, to formulate roughly. Writing is a by-product of experience.

Writing is after... Writing is not a quickie in the toilet in the wagon. But it is a seminal discharge.

Then there are judgments like whether such existential writing about the afterlife of the "poeticized self" is believable. Credible - mind you, if misunderstood, it doesn't matter. The reader is irrelevant. Not even if it was Vlado Šimek. On the contrary.
Such poetry. On purpose. Written in pencil on paper, read from a notebook. Splashed with beer. Andrgránd, dude.

But how often poets write about another man's skin. Why do they always get so weirdly distracted there, unlike football fans... They want to keep it balanced when only a fair amount of concentration can do that - and a poet can usually be distracted.

First he falls in love, and then not so much. He likes to talk about himself. He trusts himself. Because things happen without emotion?

First respect, then love...

...you're thirty-three! We don't crucify people in this country anymore! (Štiler)

And that's what we want. To come somewhere shitty, but feel like we're in Zizkov. (Klega)




Dominik Bárt


for once just for a day

fuck all those names

futures fates addresses imperatives

what if one could what if one should

poems critiques reviews and reflections

stand on a meadow before a forest

from dawn till dusk

just stare at that forest

and then be silent


na celý jeden den_____CZ

vysrat se na všechna jména

soudy osudy oslovení imperativy

co by kdyby co by se mělo

básně kritiky recenze a úvahy 

postavit se na louku před les

od rána do večera

jen na ten les civět

a potom o tom mlčet




Kateřina Koutníková


Is it really that the world is a better place

when I gobble all these pills

Is it really that the oceans are any cleaner

and fish have less plastic

with each increase of the dose

Is it really that the decent Czechs open their eyes
one after the other
each time the pills’ sheet crackles

Is it really that Andrej gets burnt by the hotdog
if I get another pack

Is it really that some ruins of Rojava
disappear with each tablet I gulp

Is it really that the human narcissuses fade

and people stop taking

when I’ve been off meds for half a year

Is it really that everyone finds their meaning

when I lace Deprex with Lexaurin

Is it really that all people die

when I down it all at once

Is it really that eternal peace arrives


It won’t arrive

but that theatre

will lose another spectator


Jestlipak je svět lepším místem_____CZ

když žeru všechny ty prášky

Jestlipak jsou oceány čistší

a v rybách méně plastu

s každým mým zvýšením dávky

Jestlipak slušní Češi otevírají oči

jeden po druhém

pokaždé když zapraská plato

Jestlipak Andreje provaří párek

když si zajdu pro nové balení

Jestlipak zmizí kus sutin z Rojavy

s každou tabletkou co spolykám

Jestlipak odkvetou lidské narcisy

a lidé přestanou brát

až budu půl roku na medikamentech

Jestlipak každý najde svůj smysl

když k Deprexu nasadím Lexaurin

Jestlipak všichni lidé zemřou

když to do sebe hodím všechno najednou

Jestlipak konečně zavládne mír



ale to divadlo

zase přijde o divačku



translated by Lucie Řehoříková





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